The world’s first Footworn PDS (Player Development System) empowers players and coaches to own their journey. Delivering actionable insights that drive technical, tactical, physical, and mental performance improvement.

Trusted by hundreds of elite CLUBS and federations GLOBAlLY

PLayermaker team PLUS

Designed specifically for youth soccer teams – not sports scientists.
Playermaker Team Plus makes it easy for youth players and coaches to collect, analyze, and action data.









How it works




6-axis motion smart sensors

Built with a gyroscope and accelerometer that samples
movement events at 1000 times/sec, which allows the
measurement of every micro-movement, including impact
with the ground, with the ball and the rotation of each foot.


Two waterproof sensors (L+R) located inside the durable
silicone straps, suitable for all playing conditions. The
straps comes in 2 sizes (M / L), to fit kids adults, women
and men alike.

6-axis motion smart sensors
Built with a gyroscope and accelerometer that samples movement events at 1000 times/sec, which allows the measurement of every micro-movement, including impact with the ground, with the ball and the rotation of each foot.
Two waterproof sensors (L+R) located inside the durable silicone straps, suitable for all playing conditions. The straps comes in 2 sizes (M / L), to fit kids adults, women and men alike.

25 metrics to measure with the app

Measuring over 25 metrics, Playermaker provides the most relevant data for creating training programs, benchmarking performance and tracking progress. With the metrics that matter you can set goals, measure progress, analyze performance and improve easier and faster.

Main technical metrics

Kicking power

The maximum speed of your foot during the kick


The total number of times you had control of the ball

Time on the

Total number of minutes you carried the ball

Time to
release the ball

Your average ball possession duration

Ball release
foot zones

The foot zone which contacted the ball while passing or kicking the ball

Turns with
the ball

Total number of times you changed your directions while controlling the ball

Ball touches

Total number of times your foot came in contact with the ball

Main PHYSICAL metrics

Sprint distance

Total distance you covered running faster than 15.1 kph (youth) or 19.8 kph (adults)

Accl / Decl

Total number of times you quickly increased or decreased your speed (at least 2 m/s2)

Top speed

off/on the ball

The maximum speed you reached with/ without the ball

Distance covered off/on the ball

Total distance you covered during the activity

Work rate

Total distance you covered during the activity per minute

Average turn
entry speed

The average running speed at which you started to turn


Total number of times you changed your running directions

* Click on each metric for more information

PlayerMaker Insights Dashboard

RESEARCH Behind the technology

Research is vital to develop knowledge and create a platform for innovation. We are committed to developing resources to inform action in the research community and for practitioners in the industry.





KM Covered



Changes in Directions 



Total Touches


Quantifying Technical Actions In Professional Soccer Using Foot-mounted Inertial Measurement Units

A New Foot-mounted Inertial Measurement System in Soccer: Reliability and Comparison to Global Positioning Systems for Velocity Measurements During Team Sport Actions

A multi-club analysis of the locomotor training characteristics of elite female soccer players

Locomotor and technical characteristics of female soccer players training: exploration of differences between competition standards

Quantifying volume and high-speed technical actions of professional soccer players using foot-mounted inertial measurement units

Does biologically categorised training alter the perceived exertion and neuromuscular movement profile of academy soccer players compared to traditional age-group categorisation?

Comparing the technical and individual possession statistics of academy players across different age groups in Match-Play

An Investigation into the change of direction demands of elite youth soccer

Talent Identification within Scottish Football: Understanding the physical and technical outputs for successful Players

The effect of bio-banding on academy soccer player passing networks: Implications of relative pitch size

Quantifying kicking exposures during a microcycle in relation to football match play

A methodological comparison of protocols and analytical techniques to assess submaximal fitness tests outcome measures

Physical Training Characteristics of the WSL and WC

Whole match characteristics of the 21-22

Peak match characteristics of 21/22

Tracking devices to monitor energy expenditure in female soccer players

Tracking devices to monitor energy expenditure in female soccer players

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